All tabs: 1,331,484    Guitar tabs: 608,685    Guitar pro tabs: 182,446    Chords: 247,278    Piano tabs: 36,094    Bass tabs: 120,116    Power tabs: 23,868    Drum tabs: 10,823    Lyrics: 102,174
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Bands » T
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Tabs and lyrics of bands and artists starting with T:

It's not a secret many people start searching chords or Guitar Pro 5 tabs and try playing music after they've got inspired by songs of a favorite band. Even professional musicians who are today known and loved by millions state there have been times when they just have made first steps into amazing world of music and have used piano sheet music, guitar or power tabs to play songs by the idols of that time.

Do not hesitate to cover songs by your favorite band, especially now, when free guitar tabs and chords make it so much easier!

Now you are at page 62 of our website and this section is devoted to bands and musicians starting from T.

Below you will find the list of bands with the letter/digit of your choice. All listings are made in alphabetical order. Opposite to the name of a band or solo musician you can see the number of songs present in our database and the number of free guitar tabs and chords.

As you can see, the number of songs and tabs is mostly not equal. This happens because one song can have acoustic guitar tabs, piano tabs, bass tabs, drum & bass tabs and song lyrics, etc. Quite often popular songs have several versions of free Guitar Pro tabs. If you see this, we recommend downloading more than one tab as they may contain extra data like drum tabs, bass guitar tabs or acoustic + electric guitar tabs and other information that may help you to get the desired result.

If you are not sure, what band you'd like to select, pay your attention to Tnyfbb tabs - has wide selection of chords and tabs by this musician. Tobie Keath Guitar Pro tabs usually fit not only skilled players and suit people who'd like to find easy guitar tabs and acoustic guitar chords. To Be Continued and To W Mabpe 44573 Raszer music is popular among all ages, so don't hesitate to get piano tabs or free guitar chords by these bands. Finally, Tmg guitar song tabs are a real must-have for any person who plays guitar.

Browse pages to see the complete list of the bands available in our database or use our handy band search for quick result.

Popular bands for T

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¹ Band name Songs Tabs
2441 Tito Tarantula 3 7
2442 Titus 1 1
2443 Tityo 1 3
2444 Tiza 1 1
2445 Tiziano Ferro 20 54
2446 Tk 20 43
2447 Tkmp 1 1
2448 Tlc 11 51
2449 Tlen Huicani 22 22
2450 Tlp 8 8
2451 Tm Revolution 2 2
2452 Tm Stevens 2 2
2453 Tmesis 1 2
2454 Tmg 2 5
2455 Tmk 9 25
2456 Tmurphy 2 2
2457 Tnsu 7 7
2458 Tnt 63 131
2459 Tnyfbb 1 1
2460 To Be Continued 1 1
2461 To Cherish 1 3
2462 To Die For 6 19
2463 To Fly 5 5
2464 To My Surprise 4 21
2465 To Separate The Flesh From The Bones 4 10
2466 To W Mabpe 44573 Raszer 1 1
2467 To What End 1 2
2468 Toad 1 1
2469 Toad The Wet Sprocket 67 526
2470 Toast 91 103
2471 Tobeannounced 6 6
2472 Tobias Da Vai-vai 1 1
2473 Tobias Regner 3 7
2474 Tobie Keath 2 2
2475 Tobin Josh 2 3
2476 Toby Keath 3 3
2477 Toby Keith 120 463
2478 Toby Lightman 6 19
2479 Toca De Assis 13 13
2480 Toca Do Coelho 1 1
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