All tabs: 1,331,484    Guitar tabs: 608,685    Guitar pro tabs: 182,446    Chords: 247,278    Piano tabs: 36,094    Bass tabs: 120,116    Power tabs: 23,868    Drum tabs: 10,823    Lyrics: 102,174
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Tabs and lyrics of bands and artists starting:

This section of the website is devoted to bands and singers. It helps efficiently finding the band you need within just seconds. In case you need particular tabs or chords, visit our guitar tabs, piano tabs, bass tabs, guitar pro tabs, etc. There you will find tabs for particular instruments and save time. Tabs for specified instruments will be particularly important for beginners who yet don’t have strong skills and knowledge base. More experienced players are able to use chords and sheet music intended for other instruments.

Browsing tabs and chords by band is an opportunity to see the lists of bands and select the ones you like. All bands are shown in alphabetical order. Click the letter you’re interested in and look our database through. We have much to offer! This is a wonderful opportunity to remind your self what bands you enjoy to listen to and what songs you’d like to try to cover.

The majority of people started playing music after they had got inspired by particular band or singer. Even famous musicians state in teenage years they’ve tried to play songs by idols of that time. It’s completely normal and even recommended as this is not only a good practise, but also a chance to understand how good songs are composed.

Many of us play music for fun and don’t expect to become professional musicians. In this case it’s vital to play the music you like while learning. If you play only “classical” or old music that is not very interesting to you, most probably soon you’ll become tired of guitar, piano or other instrument you try to master. Only high level of excitement will help you to go further and learn new things.

The majority of tabs suit acoustic guitar the most, but it doesn’t mean you should browse only corresponding sections of the website in case you need drum tabs or, for example, power tabs. Usually this site provides several tabs for the same song or offers Guitar Pro chords that already contain several instruments in order to make a complete melody.

You will find a wide selection of chords and tabs for music of completely different styles from pop and jazz to folk and metal.

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